Sunday, August 30, 2009

The light bulb

Over the past 48 hours I took a HUGE leap into my new endeavors. I registered for the 2009 No More Homeless Pets conference in Las Vegas and can not wait to learn everything I can get my paws on about helping animals!! As I continue on with my weekend completely elated with my new investment on my and many furry friends future a light bulb comes on! I walk into a PetSmart to get my three dogs a treat and make an exchange when I see there is a shelter adopting out dogs and cats. I am immediately drawn to the booth where a few very nice women and a plethora of adorable dogs and cats are. They seem pleased that I stopped by and I told them that I would like to volunteer to help their cause. They take in animals from families that had to foreclose on their homes or animals that have been left in abandoned homes.
It breaks my heart to look at these animals that had a home and a family and now they have no one; and yet they are still wagging their tails and letting out loud purrs. I sat down to fill out some paper work and a sweet golden retriever decided to set her head down on the paperwork so I would pet her instead of proceeding with the questions. It’s moments like these that make me want to let everyone in the word know that I am going to help these animals. I am going to find someone for this golden retriever to put her head on and she will be with that person forever.
The light bulb: I was talking to one of the shelter managers and mentioned that I will be attending the conference and before I knew it I told her that when I come back I will help them implement some of the new ideas I learn form the speakers. All of a sudden it hit me (I instantly call my husband to bounce this off of him) I will go to the conference and take phenomenal notes and when I come back I will go to all, or as many as I can, the shelters in Arizona and help them make their shelters bigger and stronger and this will indirectly help 100’s of animals. My husband and I talked about it, all the while I am tearing up with excitement, and decided that I could be the “hub” for all the shelters. I could network and find the volunteers and resourced that the shelters need and get them what they need.

My next move: I am going to volunteer every weekend to start networking and get ready for this conference!

Friday, August 28, 2009

An end to a CRAZY two weeks

One of my friends came to my work today to say goodbye for 2 years. She is going into the Peace Corps in Nicaragua and she gave her good friends hemp bracelets to wear so when we see them we think about her. I was really sad to se her go but really inspired to do my part in the world and I don’t even have to leave the country! Now every time I see the hemp bracelet I think of Jules and am re-inspired to be the change in the world!
Tomorrow I am going to make my plan. Shelters I will volunteer at, books I will read, jobs I can apply for that will surround me with animals, and my short and long term career goals. This week has been SO long I think I would end up with a bunch of random rubbish if I tried to conquer this task tonight.
Good night!!
P.S. let the dogs on the bed for one night;) They like to snuggle too!!

The first day of the rest of my life

Have you ever had one of those days, weeks, months or even years that you feel like your day to day work is sucking the life out of you? This week someone asked how I was holding up and my first reaction was to blurb out, “ I feel like they are slowly taking my soul.” Before I knew what I was saying it was already out… and I had just spilled the beans to someone I worked with. Luckily for me she understood.
I knew exactly what I wanted to do, I wanted to save animals, and starting today I will be starting my new quest; the quest of no more homeless or abused pets.

Please join me on my quest to save the innocent pets in this world from hurt and huger. I’m not sure how I will get there but I will find a way and be the change I wish to all in the world, in the words of Gandhi.
